
Google Marketing Innovations for 2018

In July 2018 Google announced new product innovations at their annual marketing event. Harnessing Google’s machine learning, these improvements will give advertisers the ability to utilise this technology to better plan, deliver and analyse a client’s campaigns.

In recent weeks and months, digital advertisers have seen these improvements become available in the tools they use, with the newly branded Google Marketing Platform that includes YouTube and Google Ads now more effective and efficient thanks to the machine learning revolution.

We look at what these innovations are, what they do and why you need to implement them on your client’s accounts to bring effective data driven marketing.

A new way of selling on YouTube

YouTube has 1.9 billion signed in users visiting every month and has evolved from an entertainment platform into a must-use digital channel for advertisers to inspire and inform purchase decisions.

Outlining the importance of being relevant throughout the whole customer lifecycle, of which YouTube is a big part, the Google ads team have launched some new features for YouTube advertising:

TrueView For Reach – impression based buying optimised to raise awareness with customers.

TrueView For Action – a branded banner directly underneath a video to drive clicks and generate leads.

These YouTube improvements also come with a new bidding strategy: maximise lift – used to target people who are more likely to consider your brand after exposure to an ad to drive online and instore conversions.

Better more relevant search ads

In recent weeks Google has added two new features to how we create search ads. The first is the introduction of responsive search ads which allows you to create 15 headlines and 4 descriptions to build dynamic ads.

Secondly it has added an extra headline and description to existing ads, giving us scope to write three headlines and two descriptions with 30- and 90- character lengths respectively adding flexibility and space to tell customers why they should pick you. These additions will give us the ability to show these responsive and bigger ads with even more relevance to a user’s search term.

Something else that has been introduced, away from advert creation, is the new column in the landing page tab showing the mobile speed score of landing pages, ranging from 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent). Mobile speed is something that can significantly impact on ad performance so getting a good score is important.

Google suggests using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to provide a “faster, smoother and more engaging mobile experience.”

Smart Shopping Campaigns

For those shopping clients it is also now possible to create smart campaigns that combine standard shopping campaigns with display remarketing campaigns to manage bids and ad placement for your products.

The new smart shopping campaigns also include new goals:

‘Instore Visits’ – to drive more customers to stores
‘New Customer Acquisition’ – to find new customers

Local campaigns – to help promote local business and get as many people into physical showrooms/shops as possible.

New responsive display adverts

In October, Google will also be adding responsive display adverts into the mix as well. Advertisers will provide images, headlines and logos that Google will use to automatically create display ads, adjusting their size, appearance and format to fit into available ad space across the Google Display Network. Ultimately saving time and reaching more people.

What are we doing?

At Purplex we are always striving to use every new solution Google introduces to deliver the best results for our clients and keep them at the forefront online.

We will be updating our existing ads and introducing the use of responsive ads where we can. We will also be looking at opportunities to use smart shopping for our shopping customers, how we can better utilise YouTube, and how we can use cross device tracking for our clients.

We try and implement as many suggestions as we can as we see it as a must to keep our clients at the top of Google. We feel that this has an impact on how well we are viewed by Google which can only be a good thing.

Purplex Marketing is a certified Google Partner agency and provides specialist paid search (PPC), display network and social media marketing for trade, commercial and retail suppliers to help them generate more leads.

For more information, call 01934 808132.

This entry was posted in Digital Marketing

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