
Digital Marketing for Home Improvement Companies

The question, ‘Have you got a digital marketing strategy?’, is one that is being asked more frequently of companies large and small, and across all sectors. If, however, you don’t quite know what this is, don’t worry – we’re here to help!

How can I promote my business through digital marketing?

There was a time when home improvement companies relied on word-of-mouth and the occasional newspaper advert to promote their business. And while word-of-mouth and advertising still works wonders, the media world has been truly revolutionised.

Thanks to the rise of the internet, companies now have the ability to reach a much larger audience – it’s easier than ever before. Even the most technophobic among us have been swept into this digital revolution. Whether you post something on Facebook, search Google to see what’s on at the cinema or check the football scores via the BBC’s website, you’re part of this digital world. With this in mind, it’s clear to see how digital marketing is at everyone’s fingertips.

In this blog, we’ll explore the different types of digital marketing campaigns and tactics that you should consider implementing and we’ll also explain how digital marketing can put your home improvement company in front of the right target audience resulting in qualified leads and new customers.

What are the different types of digital marketing for home improvement companies?

OK, so let’s look at the basics. The term ‘digital marketing’ might sound scary, but it really needn’t be. Here are a few key areas to focus on and think about when considering such a strategy:

1: A good website

Yes, you might have one, but is it actually working for you? While it might look attractive, it needs to be updated regularly and ‘optimised’ so that it draws in more views. Which leads us to…

2: Search engine optimisation (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC)

Both these digital marketing strategies can help increase your online visibility. SEO is about reviewing your website to make sure it ranks highly on search engines like Google with the use of specialist keywords. When done correctly, you’re guaranteed to generate more traffic to your website and therefore increase the number of new leads you receive each month.

A different digital tactic that has incredibly powerful results just like SEO is PPC. Pay-per-click is the use of eye-catching online campaigns to help generate more traffic to a website. To reach a wider and more targeted audience, a company puts an advertising budget behind the PPC activity and will pay for every click-through to their website.

When implemented in the right way, both these strategies will help to build brand awareness and can result in lead generation for any home improvement business.

3: Social media marketing

If you use Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok etc for fun, why not look at introducing them into your business marketing? To get the best results, social media for any business needs to be clearly targeted and tailored. With a clear target audience in mind, social media is a fantastic way to engage potential customers in a fun and informal way.

4: Content marketing

Writing and issuing regular blogs, press releases and other content in an easy-to-read, digestible way is an excellent means of drawing attention to your business. If this sounds like a great idea to you but you don’t have enough time in the day, that’s where we can help.

As a marketing agency with a full team of marketers, we can write all of your digital content on a monthly basis, we’ll also optimise it to make sure that your company is easy to find on Google and stands out above your competitors.

5: Video marketing

This might seem daunting, particularly if you don’t feel comfortable in front of the camera but don’t worry. Video is an excellent way of getting your message across and what people appreciate is honesty, integrity and reliability, and not movie-star looks! We’re a lot more used to video now than we ever have been, and with a professional approach from a company like us you can really build up your store of exciting and informative video posts.

Do I really need a digital marketing strategy?

Don’t be intimidated. Simply put, you can reach so many more customers if you have a comprehensive digital marketing strategy in place. People looking for home improvement businesses will almost automatically go online to see who’s out there. Given there is huge competition for business, it’s going to be the firm that shouts the loudest about itself which gets the attention. So, make sure to be that firm!

As a full-service marketing agency with years of experience working in the home improvement industry, we can help with your marketing plan. To find out more about our digital marketing services and how we utilise them for generating leads, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

This entry was posted in Digital Marketing, Home improvement

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