Help YouTube to Help You


This is the third part in a series of blog posts about the value of using YouTube to advertise your business. The first part focused on why you should give...

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Wait, you don’t have a mobile website?

Web Development

WAP enabled mobile phones were first introduced to the European market in 1999, and in the last 14 years mobile technology has come a long way. There are now more...

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Launching your website to success

Web Development

Have you ever launched a new website in a blaze of glory only to be left disappointed by low visitor figures and non-existent enquiries? If you answered yes then don’t...

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Feel like you’re wasting your time on social media?

Digital Marketing

Social media has exploded, but is it worth your while? So many platforms, so little time. How on earth are you going to keep up with all the different social...

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Why develop your email campaigns for mobile?

Digital Marketing

The display of emails on a desktop computer differs greatly from emails that are viewed on a mobile device. Why is this? Well, this is due to screen size. Mobile...

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The Fit show is over don’t lose your marketing momentum

Marketing Strategy

I think it’s safe to say that the majority of the window, door and conservatory industry are in agreement that the FIT Show was a complete success. If there was...

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Are the right people watching your videos?

Are the right people watching your videos?


This is the second part in a series of blog posts about the value of using YouTube to advertise your business. See the first part on why you should give...

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Is a DIY website really worth your while and your money?

Web Development

Recently I was asked what I thought of the various tools for building your own site that many companies are offering today as a way to make a quick quid....

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Do You Tube?

Do You Tube?


Videos have become a massive part of the web. Ten years ago, loading a web video was a painful experience. You’d either need to download a hefty file and play...

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Power your marketing at the FIT Show with Andrew Scott

Purplex News

[caption id="attachment_107" align="alignright" width="211"] Andrew Scott MD of Purplex Marketing[/caption] Andrew Scott, managing director of Purplex, the window industry marketing consultants, has been confirmed as a key note speaker at...

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Are your bananas ripe enough?

Lead Generation

Chances are your current marketing plans focus on two important areas – relationships with existing customers and lead generation for new business. Yet there is a ‘space’ between lead and...

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Top 5 tips for a successful email marketing campaign

Digital Marketing

Email marketing continues to gain popularity as a cost-effective yet powerful way of connecting with customers and generating new leads. However, without the right software or marketing know-how companies can...

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